InvoiceWorks® is designed to accommodate the needs of all your suppliers; from the small independent businessperson or contractor, to Fortune 100 companies. With InvoiceWorks®, electronic invoicing (also known as e-invoicing solutions or AP automation) becomes free and simple for your suppliers. It is the perfect solution to eliminate paper and to automate the accounts payable process. Your technology group will also be relieved to know that you can bring on thousands of suppliers, without having to support thousands of new users. With iPayables high-level automation, we take care of enlisting and supporting your suppliers, so that you don’t have to.
In many cases, suppliers will seek out opportunities that ease customer communications. However, a technical solution for electronic invoicing involving consultants is often too costly to implement. With e-invoicing, the process becomes simplified—without the cost.
This quality performance is possible through our online invoice automation software, or cloud invoice software. Rather than needing to be installed, InvoiceWorks® is accessible online, making things easier for you and for your business associates. Plus, iPayables’ accounting invoice software comes at no additional cost to you or your suppliers.
With InvoiceWorks® automated invoice processing, suppliers are given many different options of how they want to submit their invoices. File upload and online entry allow these electronic invoices to be automatically submitted to the cloud, where they become available for review by both customer and supplier. Paper invoices are also still an option, without eliminating the use of electronic invoicing.
File Upload is the preferred submission option for suppliers submitting larger volumes of invoices, as it is the most user-friendly way to submit validated electronic invoice files. With file uploading, a supplier can select an electronic invoice file from their computer or network for upload into InvoiceWorks®, where AI and OCR technology, along with machine learning, read and input the file. Acceptable formats are determined based on user. Uploaded invoice files are checked for format, and then each individual invoice is checked against the customer validations and edits (the same as online entry). Problem e-invoices can be corrected online, rather than having to resubmit the entire electronic invoice file. Automated FTP (with encryption available) provides all the benefits of File Upload, along with automated scheduling and status response capabilities.
With the Online Entry feature, the supplier simply enters the invoice information and clicks send. Although only simple internet access is required, with no software to install, InvoiceWorks® still provides software-quality functionality. Some of these functions include:
If a supplier doesn’t want to hop on board with e-invoicing solutions just yet, they can still send their paper invoices to iPayables. Through advanced invoice digitization technology, the supplier’s paper invoice can be converted into an electronic invoice. This invoice is then sent to the same cloud where file upload and online entry invoices go automatically. Once the paper invoice has been digitized, it is fully viewable and accessible to you through the supplier portal.
These flexible options allow for any and all invoices to become electronic, and therefore easily accessible to you via the supplier portal. With e-invoicing solutions, every last one of these features are provided to our customers’ suppliers at no additional cost.
One of the largest advantages of iPayables for a supplier is the ability to see the status of their invoice throughout the entire electronic invoicing process. This means they are able to check the status from matching and approval to payment date and reference number (check number, Card, or ACH). This prevents routine phone calls to the buyer and/or the accounts payable department. Plus, a recent survey found that issue and dispute notifications have helped 74.6% of suppliers resolve issues faster.
With our Invoice Status and Issue Resolution functions, suppliers can discover issues and disputes the moment they are raised. This helps avoid the unfortunate and inconvenient event of finding out weeks later, when they fail to receive a payment. With Issue Resolution, communication is created between the supplier and the individual who initiated the issue (denying or changing price or quantity at invoice or line level).
There are two types of issues that can be raised. The first kind is a dispute, which stops processing of the e-invoice until resolved. The second kind of issue gives a notification to the individual that there is something that requires their attention, while leaving the invoice itself undisputed. Every single issue and part of the conversation is permanently recorded in the invoice history, that you or the supplier can review at any time. This takes your accounts payable department out of the role of mediator. Users can take advantage of e-invoicing thanks to iPayables’ AP automation solutions and invoice approval automation.
Why Switch to E-Invoicing?
What does it cost?
Would you be willing to provide us with a cost analysis?
How much will I save by switching to iPayables?
What does it cost my suppliers?
Can I receive invoices through iPayables from all of my suppliers?
Do I need to install anything on my computer?
Can suppliers see the changes I make to their invoices?
Can suppliers tell if their invoice is on my work list?